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Beards, A Healthy Advice

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Yesterday a denigrated trend due to social standards and an association with certain category of people. Today a symbol of masculinity and fashion knowledge.
The beard became a subliminal message men send. It demonstrates how facial hair is, in fact, a sign of self-care and demand for respect.
Widely accepted in work environments and professional settings, some might argue it's an extra advantage over peers with the same skillset.

You can not magically grow a beard if you’re still of a younger age. Genetics also make an important factor in this equation. Are there no ways around? Where is the fairness? There isn’t. However, keep reading and I will give you some tips on how to wear even the stubble on your face with exceptional style.

Why Should You Grow A Beard?

Healthy Sexiness

It’s no secret that Darwin’s theory of evolution is one of the most famous and accurate texts out there. Even after 200 years of research and studies, we use “On the Origin of Species” as a guideline.

The beard is an extra layer of coating that protects against sun rays during a hot day at the beach and against the chilly winds during winter. It does not end here though, in some cases, it is as effective against bacteria that may target your skin.

By avoiding constant shaving, your face remains soft and healthy. There are virtually zero chances to cut yourself, therefore, skin infections are a rare sight.

A Strong and Defined Jawline

If you feel like you “suffer” from having a round face shape, the beard can, and in many cases Will, be your saviour.

Studies made by Barnaby J. Dixson (PhD) and Robert C. Brooks (PhD) have shown how facial hair can, in fact, give others and yourself the illusion of a more squared, defined face.

How can you achieve such an “illusion”? There is one fundamental thing to remember.

Trim it correctly! You want to establish a square line around your jaw and follow it. There are different tools that can you help with this. The best one by far is the square comb. It offers major control over the razor which consequently helps you decide the shape of the beard.

The process offers different outcomes depending on how you do it.

A Boost of Confidence

There is no denying it, it does make us more masculine. It gives men a more aggressive look.

How does that work you might ask? It’s no coincidence that a grown beard can be achieved at an “older” age. Interviewers and people in general associate the facial hair with maturity.

While there are many women who prefer their man clean shaved, many others find safety and sex appeal in a bearded Viking.
Socially speaking both men and women find the beard to be a sign of a man who knows what he wants, who has discipline and who is overall more confident and established than his peers.
Citing the previously mentioned experts on evolution Barnaby J. Dixson and Robert C. Brooks: "Men and women rated full beards highest for parenting ability and healthiness. Masculinity ratings increased linearly as facial hair increased, and this effect was more pronounced in women in the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle, although attractiveness ratings did not differ according to fertility. "

Do you have to be a bearded Viking though? As the study states the strong stubble is still seen as a more attractive feature than a clean shave.

How To Grow The Beard?

This is the hardest part, isn’t it? Sometimes it just won’t grow.

Once again, genetics and time are your best friends here!

Before we get into the "how" though, there are two particular things you should absolutely avoid!

  • Taking supplements or medicine that promises beard growth. There are no ways to magically get a beard if not by patience and a healthy lifestyle. If you feel like you need said things at all costs, please consult a doctor before messing with skin or hormones. While there are studies supporting the fact that the beard growth is in correlation with testosterone and DHT levels, the truth still remains uncertain following evidence of men with higher levels of said hormones "cursed" with the inability to grow facial hair.

  • Shaving frequently does NOT make your beard grow faster. It’s a common myth among younger guys as there are no studies supporting the correlation between shaving and facial hair growth. If you don’t need a shave don’t take that razor in your hand, it won’t make your beard grow faster. It will, however, damage your skin and cause ingrown hairs.

Now that we cleared that out, there are some steps you can take to accelerate a healthy growth.

  • Take care of your skin first. The beard comes from the inner layer of skin and it all starts from the follicle. The process of the facial hair breaching the skin takes a while and if there are dead skin cells or damaged skin it will take longer while also increasing the risk of ingrown hairs. If you want a healthy beard first of all start with taking care of your skin.

  • Improve your lifestyle. There are many types of cells when it comes to growing a beard, around twenty to be more precise and the only way they can work properly is through rest and regeneration. The stress is your worst enemy. So the rules here are: Exercise to release all the stress accumulated in your body, Sleep so your body can fully regenerate and finally avoid exaggerating alcohol, drugs and other harmful substances in excess.

There are some steps you should consider throwing in your daily morning routine.

  1. Using a beard oil that will make it look thicker and cleaner. Bonus is that you will also experience less itching. Men found more benefits from products based on Argan Oil, Coconut Oil or Eucalyptus.

  2. Using a beard brush. It’s one of the best items you can have in your bathroom. The density and hardness of the brush will remove the dry skin and will perfectly style your beard. It's usually made with animal fur, however, there are environment-friendly synthetic brushes.

  3. Use an electric razor. The skin will thank you and the trimming will be so much cleaner. The risk of having any ingrown hairs is lower.

Remember: Discipline is key.

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